Flowing through the elements

Hello everyone!
What a month huh?

I feel you. All of you. I’ve gone through a rollercoaster of emotions but as always when going through hard and uncertain times I continue my practices and discover how powerful they are in supporting us through the journey of life.

I wanted to go through the past 4 weeks and connect it to the flow of the elements in me. I started writing about the first week which felt like Air and I couldn’t stop. Three pages later I knew it would be a long newsletter and that wouldn’t work out, but got excited to write more in depth, one of the hobbies I love doing and don’t do enough because of not having “time”. Anyways, grab a cup of tea cause it’s still long, but here is a very summarized journey through the elements this past 4 weeks:

Air- This week was decisions time. What I had expected or planned wasn’t happening anymore and I had to put all cards on the table and redirect my life, at least for a while. I had to tune in to my intuition, which is so hard when you’re pressured and maybe acting out of fear. So, I turned to movement, dancing the fear away, understanding it and tuning into the curiosity of the emotions, so that I could tune into the frequency of love and make decisions from my heart. On one side I was being pulled into what I “should” be doing and maybe what was “expected” of me, and who I wanted to be supporting, and on the other side was a force of unconditional love, welcoming and support for myself calling me. Through my yoga practice I made it an intention to receive the message I had to so that I could feel I had made what I call a FULL BODY YES decision. Which feels expansive, true to my whole being and aligned to my purpose. The decision to go to Costa Rica as soon as possible came through. I knew that I had to trust that it was the best decision, that the people I was leaving behind had support from others and that whatever I am meant to live I will in do time. (although FOMO was real!)

Fire- My Mom left us the house to self- quarantine in San Jose for 14 days. My quarantine team came together with 2 supporting men that are also in a path of growth, healing and connection. They’re also both Geminis, so very deep entertaining conversations at the table came with it. I knew shit was going down and I felt called to share whatever I could to help people process they’re emotions and get to their mats. At this time, I hadn’t been teaching for 2 months and I was going crazy. So, like a good fire sign I had to act asap and start getting things done. I started doing the live Yoga sessions almost every day that week, I chose an online course I’d dive into, I started arranging my stuff, getting settled in our new space and making lists of what I wanted to do with the gift of time that we were being granted. First on the list was to get my first newsletter out and get my website out (Which is done! Yay!), but also things like sing more and make jewelry were there. I felt alive, I felt very grateful and I felt I was exactly at the place and time I was supposed to be, doing exactly what I was meant to. I wanted to encourage and to help transform, 2 very strong qualities of fire.

Water- Slowly water entered. I suddenly felt very sensitive. I felt overwhelmed, I started taking it a little easier and doing practices that required more internalization. I started reading and journaling more, doing more yoga nidra and turning into more yin and restorative practices rather than vinyasa which I was into during week of fire. I started cooking more nourishing foods and being more mindful of where I was using my energy and why. Here it started dawning on me that maybe what we knew as normal was not going to come back, and so I had to go through a little grieving process to get to acceptance. But I definitely felt the denial, the anger, the sadness… I had to feel it all to be able to release and at the same time honor the feelings and the process so that I could return to LOVE. I also started getting a bit anxious because we were about to leave our little bubble which was very comfortable and easy to be in, to move to another place, closer to nature and beach and closer to my Mom, which even though it’s what we wanted the whole packing and moving into something new that could possibly be my life for the next few months, brought up a lot. I knew I had to tune into the gratitude, into the trust and into the knowing that it would be ok, so I made sure I planned my days prioritizing the practices that supported that.

Earth- Here we are. This is it. Fuck it’s hot. But so beautiful. I have a place I get to call home for the next few months, I am surrounded by nature and the breeze of the ocean and my Mothers embrace is just a couple mins walk. I have enough. The doubt comes, do I have enough? What if this….? And I stop again before I trail off into a whirlwind of uncontrolled thoughts. The moment to pause and take it in is here. I basically have to force myself to simply lay in a hammock and for a couple days do nothing. Yes nothing, because I am allowed, because there is no need to do, because my body needs rest. I am processing a crazy month (year actually!). Feeling the elements as they came by and taught me so much and wanting to create more in tune with that flow, with my cycles, with what is present. Today I allow myself to disconnect for a moment from the feelings of injustice that is going around in the world and closer to my family, from the deep-rooted guilt that keeps rising out of nowhere and simply sit down and write to you all how much I appreciate you and how meaningful you all are to me. I want you all to be well, safe and taken care of (maybe my cancer moon?), I honestly don’t know where I’d be without your support that continues to be the driving force to create, to grow and to live a life with intention, passion and love for this Yoga journey and beyond. From the bottom of my heart. Thank YOU! And may we remember, it is all DIVINE.

IG Live schedule next week:

9 AM Costa Rica time (GMT – 6)
Available all of Tuesday for Malaysia

5 PM Costa Rica time (GMT – 6)
That’s Wednesday 7 AM in Malaysia

9 AM Costa Rica time (GMT – 6)
Available all of Friday for Malaysia

Lives are up for 24hrs. Simply go to my IG profile “claugallocr” and tap on the stories icon, so the option of “watch live” comes up.

Friday April 10th to 12th I’ll be facilitating my Online Yoga retreat, I’d love to have you join me. I want to share the tools that have supported me and journey inwards together.

This is what you’ll get out of it:

  • 3x 90 mins Yoga and meditation practice by Zoom live (recorded for you to keep after)
  • A daily check in support group of no more than 8 people
  • 3 x 30-45 mins yoga nidra recordings
  • Journaling prompts and reading material
  • Self- care rituals to do at home
  • A few surprise practices to get you out of your comfort zone and into your body’s innate wisdom
  • 45 mins 1-0-1 intuitive call with Claudia

Go Check it out and do share it with someone you think might benefit from it.

If you want to do this and don’t have the financial income at the moment, please contact me directly.

Any questions, concerns, requests, feedback and a simple hello is always welcomed! Just hit reply to this email  😉

Love & Light,


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